
Sometimes, It's the Waiter

Have you considered giving easy and convenient Amazon Gift Certificates for the Holidays this year? Memorable Meals IIISometimes, it is the waiter that makes a meal memorable. My wife and I recently took her parents out to Carver's Steakhouse in Saskatoon to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. What can I say? It's a steakhouse. You... Read more →

Chez Plumeau

Memorable Meals II Picture this - A warm, sunny spring day in Paris. Lunch outdoors at a restaurant just off the Place du Tertre in Montmartre within blocks of Sacre Coeur. A musician playing contrabass in the courtyard just outside. My bride of 30 years sitting beside me. Lunch was Brie Pané (breaded Brie) with a salad of mixed... Read more →

Heaven, I'm in Heaven!!!

If you are lucky, at least once in your life you have had one of those meals that is so outstanding that it stands as a landmark, showing what really great food can be. This article is the first in a series recounting some of my most Memorable Meals. Signatures Restaurant, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaSignatures Restaurant has received a Five... Read more →

The New "Potato/Potahto"

Remember that verse from the song "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" that goes "You like 'Potato' and I like 'Potahto'You like 'Tomato' and I like 'Tomahto' Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off. "? OK, maybe you're too young. Well, there's a new version of this being sung every day in restaurants everywhere.... Read more →

Taste Canada

My Flavors of Canada - A Blog in Honor of Canada Day Every good cook knows that great food is a complex intermingling of flavors and textures, of hot and cold, of spices like coriander, fennel or rosemary, of sweet vanilla or tangy ginger. Outstanding chefs paint intricate pictures on the taster’s palate, with flavors moving in and out... Read more →

Cook’s Sensibilities and More

My friend Dani posted a comment on the site in which she mentioned that she can’t make beans like her mother used to. I have always had a similar problem making latkes (potato pancakes) using my Mother’s recipe. Now, your first reaction is likely, “Oh, she left something out of the recipe. People sometimes do that to keep their... Read more →

I Just Don't Get It

OK. I confess, I just don’t get it. Admittedly, I am not a fan of low-carb diets, but I’ll leave the debate to the doctors and nutritionists. Personally, I lean towards "Your lips are the gatekeepers of your hips", also known as "If you don’t eat it, you won’t wear it." But what has me scratching my head today is low-carb peanut... Read more →