As frequent readers will know, I went to the King Arthur Flour "Artisan Baking at Home" class this past fall. Since then I have been working to make the best baguette possible in a home oven. After tweaking the KA method, and adjusting the recipe for Robin Hood unbleached white flour, I think I have gone about as far as possible in the quest. Here is a picto-mentary of today's work:

Tools of the Trade I weigh everything for accuracy.

"The Face of the Monster" Inside the oven, baking stones on the top shelf and a pan with refractory brick for making steam on the bottom.

The Biga is Ready Using a pre-ferment enhances flavor.

Autolyzé If you leave dough alone, it forms gluten all by itself.

Fresh Dough After 7 more minutes of mixing. At this point it is a little too wet but by the time I start shaping it will be just right.

Pre-shaped Logs I divide the dough into portions and then roughly shape logs.

Folding the Baguette The dough is folded over three times in shaping the baguettes.

Four Mini-Baguettes in Their Couche After shaping, I let the baguettes rise for the final time in a linen "couche".

Not Much Flour Left on the Bench What can I say? I always try not to get too much flour on the bread.

Slashed and Ready The loaves are slashed and ready for the oven.

Look at the Ears Four loaves out of the oven. Three are par-baked to freeze and finish baking later. The fourth is ready to eat. 'Ears' are the raised ridges where the bread was slashed.

It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Crunchy crust, and inside big open crumb. Soft with tons of flavor.
My wife, Pat's comment was, "I'd put this up against any baguette I have eaten in Paris, and I've eaten a lot of baguettes in Paris!" I tend to agree. I don't think I can get any closer.