Substituting Thickeners in Sauces

What are the substitutions for using cornstarch or some other thickener in place of flour when making sauces?-- Sally Talk about a question that will lead you to a whole bunch of confusing answers! Here's the science -- what we call starch is actually two different molecules. One, amylose, is a long straight chain of glucose molecules... Read more →

Blanching Food

What does it mean when a recipe says to blanch something like beans?-- Janice Blanching is the process of rapidly heating a food, usually fruit or vegetables, briefly in boiling water. This might be done to prevent discoloration, to enhance existing color, or to help to remove the skin, as with tomatoes or peaches. The intent is not to... Read more →

Meat Dries Out in Slow Cooker

I've just started using a slow cooker, and have had pretty mediocre results in keeping my meat moist vs. conventional cooking. For example, the chicken always seems overdone and dry. Even my beef stew has been on the dry side, with my latest one almost inedible (not tough--just dry) after 7.5 hours on Low. My question is: Am I simply... Read more →


What does it mean to baste something? How and when do you do it?-- Nora Basting is used in roasting meat and poultry. To baste something, you take some of the juices that have collected in the bottom of the pan and use them to moisten the top surface. The juices may be spooned over the meat or brushed on. A basting bulb can also be used.... Read more →

Bread Pre-ferments

I've tried several times to make a biga, but the ingredients don't come together. When I first mix it, it resembles tiny balls but goes no further than that. I am using King Arthur bread flour, recently purchased, and Fleischmann’s instant yeast. The water is at room temperature. My question is, could the yeast be old and should I use... Read more →

Jus'ed Cause

What is the difference between au jus and gravy? -- Overheard in a restaurant This just heard. Homer Simpson, "Mmm, jus! Not quite gravy, not quite blood." Well, not really, but it made me smile. The short answer is, "Probably the size of the bill." With the trend to call simple things by fancy names, many restaurants are serving gravies... Read more →

I have many recipes that require an ingredient called "Greek Yogurt". How is Greek Yogurt different from other types of yogurt? Is it widely available? -- Ivonne There are three major differences between traditional Greek Yogurt, called yiaourti in Greece, and what you find in most North American supermarkets. Greek Yogurt may be made... Read more →

I love risotto. Problem is, it takes so much effort to stand over the pot stirring it. What does all of that stirring do, and is it necessary? -- Jeanne When Shakespeare wrote "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble", you might think that he was writing the instructions for risotto. All of that extra stuff about "... Read more →