The New "Potato/Potahto"

Remember that verse from the song "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" that goes "You like 'Potato' and I like 'Potahto'You like 'Tomato' and I like 'Tomahto' Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off. "? OK, maybe you're too young. Well, there's a new version of this being sung every day in restaurants everywhere.... Read more →

Sifting Flour

Q: What does sifting flour do? How is it done? Is it necessary? In earlier days, sifting flour served several purposes. When flour was milled using stone wheels, as opposed to modern steel rollers, sifting removed bits of the millstone and other impurities that might be found in the flour. With modern milling equipment, tighter food... Read more →

Taste Canada

My Flavors of Canada - A Blog in Honor of Canada Day Every good cook knows that great food is a complex intermingling of flavors and textures, of hot and cold, of spices like coriander, fennel or rosemary, of sweet vanilla or tangy ginger. Outstanding chefs paint intricate pictures on the taster’s palate, with flavors moving in and out... Read more →

Testing Your Metal

Q: I'd heard that metallic things like knives or blades will reduce the content of enzyme in fruits or vegetables. Is that true? -- Philip M. I have not heard of any evidence to support this. In fact, the usual belief is quite the opposite, that cutting fruits or vegetables with a steel knife will cause them to turn brown. A common claim... Read more →

Cleaning Mushrooms

Q: I hear that you aren't supposed to wash mushrooms. What is the best way to clean them? -- Angela It is popular nowadays to advise cooks to gently brush the dirt off of mushrooms using a damp cloth or a soft brush. I can't remember which author it was, but I recall one chef turned cookbook writer asking readers if they really thought... Read more →

Removing Garlic Odor

Q: How can I remove the odor of garlic from my hands after cooking? Just washing them with soap doesn't seem to be enough. -- Joan The odor of garlic comes from sulfur-based chemicals. Sulfur binds easily with many metals, so rubbing something metallic will usually remove the smell of garlic. Try using a piece of aluminum foil, something... Read more →

Jellied Fruit Salad Won't Set

Q: I made a jellied fruit salad recently that didn't set. Did I do something wrong? Would it help to add more gelatin? Chances are that you used fresh pineapple, kiwi, or papaya in your salad. Each of these fruits, and a few others, contains high enough levels of an enzyme that breaks down protein to stop the jelly from setting. The exact... Read more →

MasterCook Deluxe 8.0 If you are looking for software to organize and maintain recipes on your computer, take a serious look at MasterCook. Entering recipes is a snap. You simply enter the amount, units of measure and ingredients, and any preparation instructions if you wish. The "FastFill" feature will scan ahead on ingredients and... Read more →

Cook’s Sensibilities and More

My friend Dani posted a comment on the site in which she mentioned that she can’t make beans like her mother used to. I have always had a similar problem making latkes (potato pancakes) using my Mother’s recipe. Now, your first reaction is likely, “Oh, she left something out of the recipe. People sometimes do that to keep their... Read more →

Scalding Milk

Q: I have heard that it isn't really necessary to scald milk, even though the recipe may tell you to. Is this right? Milk is scalded by heating it to 180°F (82°C). Visually, at sea level, this is the point at which tiny bubbles begin to form. Because water boils at a lower temperature at higher altitudes, this visual clue may be... Read more →