
Making Muffin Batter Ahead of Time

Can you prepare muffin batter the night before, store in the refrigerator, and bake off the next morning?--Brad You can prepare muffin batter ahead of time. I'm not sure I would want to leave a batter with whole, uncooked eggs too long, but you should be safe if you are using fresh eggs and you cook the batter within 48 hours. Because... Read more →

Using Muffin Top Pans

I have a pan I think is called "muffin tops", which makes 6 muffins 1/2" deep and 3" wide. What baking time, temperature and can I use any muffin or cake mixture?--Helen You may recall the Seinfeld episode where Elaine suggests just selling the tops of muffins, but why are they the best part? Because they are crunchy, and because of the... Read more →

Getting Bread to Rise

My wife makes home made bread and we love it, but she can't seem to get it to rise enough. This is regular dough bread. She lets it rise once then forms it in the pans and lets it rise again, but it doesn't raise enough to suit us. What can we do? There are a number of things your wife can try, or check, that might help. First, be sure... Read more →

Raising Bread

Why do some bread recipes say to let the dough rise once before forming into loaves while others say to let it rise twice? -- Eileen There are three basic factors at work in the amount of time that dough is allowed to rise -- ingredients, convenience and flavor. Doughs that are allowed to rise longer tend to develop more complex... Read more →