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Art and Artist - A Shameless Promotion

Rue Benadine Fenetre-wIf you know my wife, Pat, or even if you don't, click on over to her artist's e-store here:

to see some of her beautiful watercolor paintings. 

"Tucked in my backpack, on a post college trip to Europe over 35 years ago, were a pencil, six small tubes of watercolor, a paintbrush, and a sketchbook. Very little remains of my artistic efforts from that adventure.

In the intervening years, my love of color and design expressed itself in many different mediums."

On her site you can browse through her paintings, and if the image strikes you, buy art cards, reproductions and, for some, the original painting.  Her paintings and watercolor sketches can be found in private collections around the globe - in France, England, Saudia Arabia, the USA , and Canada.




Your wife, Pat, paints beautiful watercolors! Thank you for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!

I have no talent in Art nor to draw any pictures, but I do appreciates the beauty of it.

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